Saturday, July 17, 2010

Sean is back (with extra stupidity)!

After dozens of nagging sessions from my mom, I have finally decided to start blogging again! There are a few reasons why I haven't 'bloged' for over a year. I'm gonna give you people a complete break-down on the low-down (even I don't know what the hell I mean't by that).
  1. I had my pmr to worry about at the end of 2009,
  2. got a job after that (no, I'm not kidding. I can actually work), and
  3. am dealing with form 4 life right now.
To all those people reading this and thinking "That ain't such a big deal. I can do all that and still write a blog", please go play in traffic. Because there is one more reason why I stopped blogging for over a year. Hold on to your pants 'cause it's a pretty damn good reason....... Here it goes........(takes a deep breath)

I'M LAZY!!!!!!!!

A lot of stuff has happened to me in the past year. Some of it good, some of it bad, some of it made me want to peel off the skin from my back an pour vinegar down my spine. To sum it all up, the idiot who created the phrase 'Sweet 16' should be shot in the butt repeatedly.

This is a summary of all the crap and roses that I've recently gone through,

  • I got 7A's in my pmr : )
  • Got a job
  • Paid of my debt for my computer (through said job)
  • Got into pure science stream
  • Became a prefect (everyone who knows my is probably thinking 'WTF!' right now)
  • Got a PS3 (F*CK yeah!!) =)
  • Am in a separate class from my homies :_(
  • Still can't get a girlfriend =.=

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Bangsat Millionaire

By the recommendation of many of my friends, I've watched Slumdog Millionaire and it's by for the best Indian show ever. I'm saying this 'cause it's the only Indian show that ain't a goddamn musical! Seriously, the musicals are getting lame! Think about it people! I don't care what language it's in they all suck! High School Musical is by far the worst! With that, I want to leave you all with a message I have tried to deliver many times; any singers that come out of the crack of Disney pretty much sucks!

We've Screwed Them Hard Enough!

 After many 'tak puas' faces shown by my class, the bastard Chong has finally sent Sugan back to our class. But he 'still sent out Thinesh and Saatish. I'm not as close with them as with Sugan but they will be missed all the same (God! I just realised I made it sound like they died).
    On to other topics, the results from my first test is out and I gotta say, I ain't that bummed out by the results. Wanna know why? I'm gonna tell you anyway. I got 1st in my class! Yipee (but 'still no new handphone)! Even though I ain't getting any fun stuff such as handphones, new tv's, or a computer, I'm 'still glad 'cause it's kinda like a personal achievement (and I get to rub it in Nelson's nose at any given moment... muahahaha). I gotta go. Will try to write soon.

F*ck The Teacher, Don't Change The Class!

My f-ing class teacher has done it again. She's sending four Indian boys out of our class. Yesterday, she sent one of my very close friends out, Sugan! She is a damn beyotch!

And guess what class she sent him to......FRICKING EPSILON! If you're not studying at my school you wouldn't know that Epsilon is full of mats (no joke. He's the only non-mat in the whole class) and their kinda dumb. And it's not like anybody hated him, he was like the only guy in class who was not hated by anyone.

Hendrick (who's gonna be sent out also) thinks we should write a letter to Mr Chong ( the douche bag responsible for all this crap) to give them a second chance but the chances of that bitch growing a heart are slim. That's all I have to say right now. We'll be doing all we can for you, buddy!


15th February, 2009

I finally decided that I was the last person on earth to watch ‘Juno’ and ‘Forest Gump’. So, I got off my ass and went out and bought ‘Juno’ and borrowed  ‘Forest Gump ‘ from my uncle.

I thought that both shows were awesome especially ‘Forest Gump’. It has like every single emotion you wanna get out of a movie. It’s sad, funny and all that crap. I still keep laughing when I think of how the dude was named after a damn Ku-Klux Clan leader (HAHAHAHA funny shit).

‘Juno’ was awesome too. I liked the way Ellen Page acted the role and stuff like that. And the songs in that movie were really funny too. That’s all I gotta write about today.

p.s.- I realize that I am the last person on earth to watch these movies so cut me some slack.

The Catcher in the (this is a word I really can’t pronounce) Rye

After recommendations from two of my aunts, I finally bought The Catcher In The Rye. I have to admit, it’s one of the best books I’ve ever read.

It really tells things from a young, horny, teenage boy’s view and there’s a lot of stuff in book that I can relate to. Even though it’s fiction, it’s a very realistic book based on what boys would feel, think and do in Holden Caulfield’s shoes.

It’s way unlike Harry Potter where J.K Rowling portrayed Harry as this innocent boy and yada yada ya. J.K Rowling writes that he fancies a few girls for their beauty and (I repeat) yada yada ya. But if Harry was a normal boy and behaved like how 99% of the boys in the world behaved, he’d be straight down perverted and would have to change his name to Horny Potter. So, if Harry existed and he behaved like how he behaves like in the book, he’d be a fag. Same goes for Frodo and Gandalf (who I think is a damn molester). I also think the two dudes from ABBA are fags too (Have you seen ABBA music videos? Super GAY!). All the dudes from High School Musical are gay to and so is Robbert Pattison! (I do realize that I am going overboard with this but I get some sick pleasure from calling people gay).

That’s all I gotta say about gays and fags for today.

p.s. Thanks a million EE Linin and EE Nita for recommending the book. I’ve really enjoyed it.

Latest Updates

11th February, 2009

Stuff that happened to me this past few weeks;

1.          I quit the Scrabble club on the fact that I don’t need to stay in it.

2.       I quit band ’cause it sucks big time .Ig’s still in and is playing the flute (pussy instrument) and a buch of other dudes joined too (may God have mercy on ther dumb souls).

3.       I got assigned to play the damn xylophone in our next music performance because it was the only instrument that I didn’t  fully hate.

4.       I’m  nearly done with my music folio  which is due in  April.

5.       I gotta but load of homework it ain’t even funny.

6.       I’m still single : (